
Thursday, July 06, 2006


We all are a beginner or learner in all areas of life from a starting point. We sure aren't born to be technical engineers that's for sure. Developing our minds to do different skills whether we want to or not. I'm not saying that I don't like to develop my skills. I love to gain any fresh new skill I can. We all had a starting point for some form of educational skill we posses now. That's what I mean it just didn't get programmed in your processor you call a brain.

One thing I wanted to say is this is my second devotional I've done for Jesus Christ and the Father. Yes I'm still developing my knowledge in scriptures and I know everyone else is too. Know one well ever know the great extent of it all. How perfect the bible is and matching up with other verses and Gods will.

I'm going to continue my course on teaching others what I've learned about the scriptures. I'm not always right and nor is anyone else. It's not the easiest to get up in front of a crowed and speak. The more I've been going up in front the more I get comfortable with it.

If someone is reading this and is looking to seek the spiritual kingdom of God please e-mail me at I will try and help you or find a answer. I know that this world has many religions but according to scriptures we are to seek the spiritual kingdom. Just a thought for motivation you will die one day so its a good idea to learn who you are and what will happen after death.
The Geek